On this day, 86 years ago, my father, Robert Henry Whitstock came into this world. What followed was an extraordinary life of challenges and joys. Incredibly, it has been 18 years since he left us for The Other Side. His inspiration still lives on.
This morning, in the wake of last night's surprise snow storm, I remembered days like this many years ago. Dad would bundle up and head out the door with a shovel, tackling the front steps and sidewalks with great enthusiasm. Remarkably, despite the occasional twists and turns, the path from the house would indeed make it to the driveway. The sidewalk in front of our house might also have had a few kinks here and there, but he got the job done. A metaphor of life itself, right? Honestly, looking back, us kids just took it all so much for granted.
A few years ago, my cousin sent me a newsletter from the upstate NY electronics company, Channel Masters, dating back to September 1954. Click on this photo for a link to the page featuring my dad. The headline itself says it all and I carry those words with me every day.
